11 April 2014

Neglected Space?

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost 4 months since my last update on here. As mentioned in my previous update, I went overseas for 6 whole weeks and struggled to come back to work and reality after that.

Shortly after, I began planning my Europe trip - happening this September 2014. Super excited, I'm going to all the places that I've only seen on TV - namely, Greece, Paris, London, Italy :) and going to burn another big hole in my wallet but meh, who cares?? :P

Just to inform you all, the reason I haven't updated the last few months is because my laptop has officially crashed :( RIP

I'm currently on the hunt for a new one but I just haven't had much time to go and actually look. I also find it extremely difficulty to update on my iPad and phone - and post the pictures that I want (mostly , on my camera) but maybe I should give it a try again? I really want to update about my Asian trip that just passed.

In the meantime, keep up to date with me at:
Dayre - dayre.me/snapjo
Instagram - @snapjo

Will try to update more frequently and will make more time to go laptop hunting!


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